Friday, February 13, 2009

New year, new addition

Well everyone, it's a new year again. I know I haven't been great at updating our blog. This is the news for the McEwan family. We found out in October that we were getting a new addition to the family! It was our little surprise blessing. We were a little shocked but are all adjusted and getting excited. We found out it's another little boy and we are expecting him to join our home around May 26th. We've had a lots of fun buying some new things and of course if you know me well you know I LOVE decorating, so I've been having a blast getting things for the babies room. I'll post a pic when we actually get it put together. He's going to be moving into Kinz's room and she's moving to the basement. She's not real pleased with the deal but she'll adjust and we've decided Easter weekend is when the big move will happen.=) We're keeping the baby's name a secret for now but we'll let you know.

Andi's 18mo. now and getting so big. She's a sweetheart and a joy still. She loves following the "big kids" around the house and getting into everyone's stuff. She's not too in love with the dogs, but who likes to get licked in the face everytime they turn around? She know's what treats are and loves, loves, loves them. Ice cream being one of her favs, good thing it's one of mommies pregnancy cravings.

Ian is getting ready to turn 5 on the 16th!!! What a big boy. He's excited for school, but sad that he won't be able to play video games as much.=) He's our monkey and often disguises himself as Indian Johnes, spiderman, or the hulk depended on his mood. He once informed me when I called him Indy, that "you can just call me Dr. Jones." He loves to say, "hold on to your potatoes!" He still doesn't sleep! At least he's mostly awake when I fall asleep at night, but yet still manages to go, go, go all day long!!! He just got his shots and you'd think his legs were broken by the way he's acting. He's full of drama!

Aidan is 7 and has lost 5 teeth. He likes to pull them out without telling mom and dad and the toothfairy makes it late quite often. He's our quiet teaser and loves to tease the kids, most especially Ian. He really enjoyed terrifying him about his booster shots. He's a stinker. He's a smarty pants and loves to save his $$ taking it out to frequently count it. What a goose.

Kinz is 9!!! Does this make anyone else feel old? She just got her braces off and is now in retainers for the time being. (She'll need another set when she's 12). We've already had on garbage scare and had all the waitresses looking in the trash at IHOP. Luckily we found them. She's 9 going on 19. She loves to go shopping and she has major attitude!! But we love her through it anyway.

That's the news for now. I'll try to post more often.


Bonnie Young said...

Wow Mykin. Congradulations on the news of the baby. I can't believe how grown up everyone is getting. It's crazy. Glad to see that you've posted, keep them coming when you have time. Love and miss you bunches!!!

Camilla said...

Yeah for the update!
Did you say that Kinzie's retainer went in the garbage? WOW! and kinda yuck, huh? Thank goodness for disinfectant?
Have a great weekend.

Katie said...

I love "Dr Jones!"