Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Busy February, and stupid dogs

March 4th

What a crazy February we've had in the McEwan house. We had the usual Valentine's Day stuff of course with the kids need cards to hand out and mom procrastinating. I ran out the day before and couldn't find a single thing...stupid I know. I picked up pencils and thought the kids could make something to put with the. Kinzie threw a tizzy and I ran out again the night before. I finially found some at Target..Luckily they had one girl kind and one boy kind....which I grabbed the last of. Back home I went and the kids started putting them together. The only thing I could find for Aidan was Shrek...let's just say he wouldn't take them. So Kinzie did hers and Aidan ended up taking the pencils. What a mess. Next year I'll buy them in September like all normal people.=) Isn't that how early all the stores seem to stock things anymore?!?

Also Ian's Birthday hits on the 16th. We took him to Kangaroo Zoo which the kids loved and I thought was a rip off. Way too pricey and we couldn't even take our cake in with us!! Not enough tables as well. At least the kids had fun. Ian of course got tons of Thomas toys and a Thomas cake and had a blast.

We spent...are still spending...a lot of time trying to settle in yet again another place. We're still unpacking and it's driving me nuts. Hopefully someday I'll finish.

And......out puppy chewed his tail off. Yes, you read it right. He has had a wound on his tail which we tried to keep bandaged. Once morning he'd chewed it off yet again. Since he flings blood around with the wound exposed I put him outside. I can't manage to bandage him myself, he's too bouncy and crazy with me. John brought home a cone for his head to keep him from getting to his tail and when we went out to get him he'd chewed off about 3 inches. Did anyone know a dog could even do that? I certainly didn't...or I wouldn't of left him alone. I felt really guilty. So $350 later he is still bandaged and driving me nuts. He had a cone for about 4 days and drove me nuts knocking things over. We bought a muzzle which make him lick his face raw and wipe blood all over the carpet. Anyone seeing a trend here? Anyway....now I just let him be and try my best to keep his mouth away from his bandaged tail. I've about had enough. Hopefully one day he'll grow out of stupid.


Camilla said...

that cone is huge! Glad the month was a fun one.

Traciannee said...

Fun Pictures. The story about you dog is so funny. Darling family!